A friend of mine shared a brilliant idea with me this morning. It’s something a friend of her’s had recently shared with her. Her friend had told her that she has created an imaginary board of directors for her life; a board of individuals she has selected to turn to for guidance when she feels she needs it. Her board members range from the living to the dead, and from close friends to current public figures. They comprise a variety of world views, attitudes, and philosophies. A good balance of minds from whom to glean ideas and advice. I decided immediately that I needed my own board.
In a moment of confusion, one can turn to their board and channel the attitude of, say, Gandhi: “so what do ya think, Gandhi? Should I or shouldn’t I slash the tires of the motherf*#$er who unapologetically peeled into that parking space at Chipotle that I so clearly had my blinker blinking for?” Or if you find yourself taking yourself a bit too seriously, Jimmy Fallon could always be there for you, reminding you that life should be fun and playful, and that while there is a time to pay the bills and make the grocery list, there must also be time to master your Bob Dylan impression and practice perfectly lip syncing along to Mr. Roboto.
I now have an 8 person board. I chose a close friend who is absolutely a role model for me; A hindu goddess; three authors, two living, one deceased; a zen buddhist monk; a philosopher; and a deceased journalist and peace activist who was very courageous, open-hearted, and wise. I felt this collective struck a balance that represents me as I currently am, as well as the person into whom I wish to evolve. The process was a lot of fun and I just had to share it. If you had a board of directors for your life whose purpose was to oversea and guide the activities and decisions of your life, who would be on it and why?
Be you and enjoy it!